The 30-second mindful bedtime trick
Can’t sleep? A simple ‘4-7-8’ deep breathing method can induce sleep in 60 seconds
Can’t sleep? A simple ‘4-7-8’ deep breathing method can induce sleep in 60 seconds
I’m now accepting bookings to see clients at London Natural Health Centre, 49 Theobalds Rd WC1X 8NW.
Let’s see how the science-based research explain the production of energy in our body.
Although what you eat is important, how you eat deserves equal attention.
I am proud to have been featured on IHCAN Magazine and have been interviewed by Rebecca Smith. You might find interesting how I decided to become a practitioner or read the entire article.
Want to know the secret to banishing wrinkles and having dewy, fresh looking skin forever? Wrinkles are, unfortunately, a natural part of the ageing process.
Breakfast is the easiest meal to skip. Mornings are rushed and many people don’t have an appetite when they wake up. Some people even feel nausea in the morning, which suggests a possible blood sugar dysregulation. If you skip breakfast you may be obstruct your weight loss efforts, increasing your risk of weight gain, blood sugar disorders, hormone imbalances, and robbing your brain of energy.
When it comes to snacks (scratch that, when it comes to ANY kind of eating), it’s important to include some protein and, ideally, some fibre.
Sleep is so important to our health; here are some reasons to get enough sleep